March 2025



Stay Informed of Your Employees’ Open Enrollment Experience


Author: Taneil Jaeger/Wednesday, January 18, 2017/Categories: Bulletin News

To help you encourage your employees to begin preparing for Open Enrollment, you will receive an Open Enrollment Poster in the mail. We encourage you to display this poster in a prominent location where it is likely to be seen by your employees. If you require more than one poster, please contact your HR Business Partner.

In early February, your eligible employees will receive three important communications:

  1. An Open Enrollment Mailing will be sent to each employee’s home addresses as listed in My TotalSource®. The mailing covers the basics of Open Enrollment, important milestones, available resources and how an employee can make enrolling a little easier.
  2. An Open Enrollment Overview Email will be sent to all your eligible employees with an email address on file in My TotalSource, who have not opted out of commercial communications from My TotalSource. This email will explain enrollment basics and available resources.
  3. A Paperless Enrollment Email will only be sent to eligible employees who have not opted into receiving their benefits information via email only. This email will provide instructions on how an employee can opt in to receive their benefits information electronically. Please encourage your employees to enroll in paperless as it is the simplest way to go through Open Enrollment.

Please contact your HR Business Partner to learn more. 

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