March 2025



Return to workplace vaccination survey


Author: ADP Admin/Monday, June 28, 2021/Categories: Bulletin News

What is the Return to Workplace Vaccination Survey?

The Return to Workplace feature in Workforce Now was rolled out in October of 2020. The feature allows clients to:

·       Assess the sentiment/state of the workforce

·       Identify which employees are available to come back to work

·       Schedule those employees to return on a certain date

·       Ensure employees who have returned are healthy and safe

Targeted for July 9, 2021, for all Workforce Now clients, is the ability to send a Vaccination Survey to employees. 

Practitioner Experience:

·       Select employees to which the new Vaccination Survey will be sent

·       Ask employees to upload images of the proof of complete vaccination (e.g. images of the employee’s CDC vaccination card’s front and back)

·       Track the received responses and can send reminder push notifications to the employees who haven’t responded yet

·       View employee’s vaccination survey responses and proof of vaccination

Employee Experience:

·       Will receive a push notification to their ADP Mobile app informing them that a new survey is available or an email if the ADP Mobile App has not been previously downloaded

·       Upon logging into the ADP Mobile app, the Vaccination Survey will be shown

·       Ability to upload images of their proof of complete vaccination, if they have been asked to do so by their employer, as well as the date when the complete vaccination has been received

Employees can respond to the survey, edit a prior response, or choose to skip the survey for now and respond at a later time

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Tags: 07/01/21

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