March 2025


Maine Upholds Veto of Recreational Marijuana Law


On November 6, 2017, the Maine House of Representative upheld Governor Paul R. LePage’s veto of a bill to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana. The 74-62 vote fell 17 votes short of the two-thirds margin required to override the Governor’s veto.  
Thursday, December 7, 2017/Author: Taneil Jaeger/Number of views (5097)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Maine

Maine Amends Wage Payment, Rest Break, Recordkeeping, and Poster Compliance Rules


Effective October 1, 2017, Maine employers will have to comply with new or modified wage payment, rest break, recordkeeping, and poster compliance rules detailed in Legislative Document (LD) 1575. 
Wednesday, September 20, 2017/Author: Taneil Jaeger/Number of views (5496)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Maine

Maine Restores Tip Credit for Service Employees


Maine employers can once again consider tips part of the wages of service employees.  
Wednesday, July 19, 2017/Author: Taneil Jaeger/Number of views (7046)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Maine

Maine Delays Effective Date of Anti-Discrimination Provisions of Recreational Marijuana Law


Maine passed An Act to Delay the Implementation of Certain Portions of the Marijuana Legalization Act, delaying the effective date of most of the state’s recreational marijuana law until February 1, 2018. Among the provisions delayed are the anti-discrimination provisions, which prohibit employers from taking action against employees who consume marijuana “outside the employer’s property.” 
Wednesday, April 19, 2017/Author: Taneil Jaeger/Number of views (6853)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Maine

Seven States Pass New Marijuana Laws on Election Day


Seven (7) states have joined the growing list of states legalizing the use of marijuana for medicinal and/or recreational purposes. Arkansas, California, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, and North Dakota passed new marijuana laws on election day, bringing the total states (plus the District of Columbia) with medical marijuana laws to 28 and the total states (plus the District of Columbia) with recreational marijuana laws to eight (8).  


Thursday, January 5, 2017/Author: Taneil Jaeger/Number of views (11129)/Comments (0)/

Reminder - Maine Employers Must Provide Sexual Harassment Policy Annually


Maine law requires employers to annually provide their employees with notice of the employer’s sexual harassment policy. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016/Author: Taneil Jaeger/Number of views (5888)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Maine


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