March 2025



Your Days of Being a Forms Library Detective are Over!

We heard it was complicated to find what you were looking for in the ADP TotalSource Forms Library. To address this issue and improve your experience, we moved some things around to make them easier to find.

Report a Workers’ Compensation Claim in ADP TotalSource With our New Self-Serve Feature!

We are happy to introduce an “online” Workers’ Comp claim reporting feature for practitioners and managers. The new feature allows practitioners and managers to complete a Workers’ Compensation Claim First Report of Injury in a user-friendly three-step process. This new process provides you with a simple, fast and efficient method for reporting a claim. No more phone calls needed!

New Overtime Rule Soon to Make Its Appearance

The Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposal on a new federal overtime rule to determine the salary level for “white collar” exemptions — executive, administrative and professional employees — is expected in early 2019.

Am I Required to Provide Harassment Training & Other FAQs

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, many states have amplified their sexual harassment prevention efforts, some of which require employee training. Here, we answer Frequently Asked Questions about sexual harassment training.

Regional Alerts


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