The Burien, WA City Council has adopted Ordinance 855 , which will increase the minimum wage for certain employees.
Washington state has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 5793), which expands paid sick leave protections under state law. Senate Bill 5793 takes effect on Jan. 1, 2025.
Washington state has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 5778), which protects employees who refuse to attend employer meetings or listen to (or view) employer communications because the meetings or communications involve political or religious matters. Senate Bill 5778 takes effect on June 6, 2024.
The Washington Department of Labor & Industries (WDOL) has announced an increase to the state’s white collar overtime exemption salary threshold.
The state of Washington’s Department of Labor & Industries (DOLI) has adopted a Final Rule to permanently protect workers from outdoor heat exposure. The Final Rule takes effect on July 17, 2023.
Washington has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 5123), which prohibits employers from making a hiring decision based on an individual’s off-duty use of cannabis or certain positive pre-employment drug test results. Senate Bill 5123 takes effect on January 1, 2024.
Washington has enacted legislation (House Bill 1491), which prohibits an employer from searching an employee’s privately owned vehicle. House Bill 1491 takes effect on July 23, 2023.
The State of Washington has released information to assist employers in meeting their requirements under the Washington Cares Act.
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West Virginia has issued a final rule that amends child labor regulations. The final rule is effective immediately and set to expire on Aug. 1, 2027.
The Vermont Department of Taxes has provided withholding tax guidance for relocated and remote workers.
Tennessee has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 958) that allows employers to create a voluntary shared work program. Senate Bill 958 took effect on May 27, 2022.
Illinois has enacted legislation (Senate Bill 3120) expanding the requirement that employers with 50 or more employees provide bereavement leave. Senate Bill 3120 takes effect January 1, 2023.
Chicago has established an ordinance that will require employers to have a written policy on sexual harassment, provide harassment training annually, and display a poster in the workplace beginning July 1, 2022.