January 2025

Technology Enhancements You’ve Been Wanting


Author: SuperUser Account/Monday, September 22, 2014/Categories: Bulletin News

Benefits Enrollment Wizard

Your employees have been benefiting from our Benefits Enrollment Wizard for a while. Now, administrators will have similar access. Admins, this means you’ll be able to elect benefits directly for new hires and employees who’ve transitioned from non-eligible to eligible. Now there’s one universal tool for employees and admins alike! We’ve created a handy guide that details the Wizard’s exciting features. You can access it directly from iLearn@ADP.

1.       Access iLearn@ADP from My TotalSource

2.       Click the How Do I (FAQs) button on your Welcome page

3.       Select 2014 Updates to the Benefits Enrollment Wizard

Human Capital Management (HCM) Dashboard Company View

Are you always looking for the bigger picture? Want to see how your team compares and integrates with your organization as a whole? Well, we’ve updated our HCM dashboard to allow you to do just that! Admins, you now have a company-level view of all the statistics and charts displayed on the HCM Dashboard, allowing you to see all that information for all paygroups in your company. You’ll now have access to more holistic data for all your associated paygroups.


Affordable Care Act Enhancements
How can you be sure you are offering affordable health coverage as mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? As you hire new employees and transition current workers from one role to another or from ineligible to eligible, you must offer affordable health care coverage to your full-time employees in order to avoid a potential penalty under the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions of the ACA. Generally, under current IRS guidance in order for the coverage to be considered affordable, the employee’s share of the lowest cost health care premium for self-only coverage must NOT exceed 9.5% of that employee’s wages or rate of pay.


We’re taking the math out of the equation for you! We’ve created proactive messages to give you a heads up if you may be at risk of potential ACA penalties. As you complete each newly hired employee’s compensation profile, you will notice a new ACA informational wage message. This message appears in the Pay Profile section and provides you with the minimum salary level necessary to satisfy the affordability threshold under the ACA Employer Shared Responsibility provisions based on the health plan offerings available to the employee. Some of the messaging is intuitive based upon certain actions you take with respect to the employee’s wage and benefits profile, such as:

  •         A pay rate/benefits class code combination results in the cost of the lowest cost self-only coverage 
    option exceeding 9.5% of the employee’s wages or rate of pay
  •        The benefits class code chosen for a full-time employee does not offer medical coverage

This message displays for all ADP TotalSource clients, whether or not your company is subject to the ACA Employer Shared Responsibility provisions. Click here to read more about this exciting new tool from the September 4 edition of Insights and Solutions, including information specifically regarding Applicable Large Employers (ALEs). 

Organizational Chart Update

Your company’s Organizational Chart is a valuable tool for connecting employees, career planning and other strategic initiatives. We’ve now made it even easier to access. You’ll see a new Org Chart icon on your My TotalSource home page front and center in the navigation bar. Org Chart entries will also appear in the Search Results when you or your employees search for people. And, in order to better foster community and transparency across your business, your organizational data will be displayed at the company level, allowing employees and managers in different paygroups to see your high level organizational relationships. Lastly, we believe information should be presented where and when you need it, so we’ve added a link to our Organization Chart Quick Guide and FAQ document inside the Organizational Chart. If you have any questions, just click the link to open the Guide.

My TotalSource Search Update

As you read above, we added quick access to the Org Chart through the Search function based on the selected employee. We’ve also added an auto-fill feature to save you time. Whether you are looking for people, forms, news or features, as you type your query, the Search box will offer suggestions to help speed up your search.

New! Verification of Employment Page

Providing a Verification of Employment (VOE) for your employees is about to get easier! We’ve created a new user-friendly tool for Administrators that will allow you to generate multiple kinds of Employee Verification Reports. This innovative tool will also shave five business days off of the current process time, which means you’ll be able to serve your employees even quicker. Also, to reduce time-consuming calls to human resource administrators from employees inquiring on the status of their VOE, the new feature emails employees directly once a VOE is generated, freeing you up to focus on more important projects. Check out the user guide for more information.

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